This story begins with the Velummylum brothers fleeing Sri Lanka during the civil war that raged their home country from Jul 23, 1983 – May 18, 2009. They were few of the lucky ones who were able to escape the war torn country, leaving behind everything. With only the clothes and few valuables the family left Sri Lanka, finding refuge in India, Pakistan, and Later to finally settle in Texas, USA.
This is when things get interesting, After being settled in Texas for almost a decade, they finally visited their home country in 2017. Upon visiting is when they realized in fact how lucky they were to be able to leave the war torn nation and build a better future for themselves in USA.
But just them being better off wasn't enough, they decided it was time to give back and do something to help all those who were affected by this civil war.
Which is why we have started Sleep.L.A.B, with the goal to not only provide employment, but provide higher wages and safe work standards for the people of Sri Lanka. We have also partnered with local charities in Sri Lanka to distribute bedding and other essentials to orphans and war victims in Sri Lanka.
"we are in the business to help people, every purchase helps us help someone in need."
Jeev Velummylum
Bed Sheet Sets | |
California King Size | Flat 110"x104"; Fitted 72.5"x84"x18", 2 P. Cases 20"x38" |
King Size | Flat 110"x104"; Fitted 76.5"x80"x18", 2 P. Cases 20"x38" |
Queen Size | Flat 90"x104"; Fitted 60.5"x80"x18", 2 P. Cases 20"x32" |
Full Size | Flat 86"x102"; Fitted 54.5"x75"x18", 2 P. Cases 20"x30" |
Twin Size | Flat 66"x100"; Fitted 38.5"x75"x18", 1 P. Cases 20"x30" |
Duvet Covers | |
King/C.King | 108"x94", 2 P. Cases 20"x38" |
Queen/Full | 90" x 94", 2 P. Cases 20"x30" |
Twin XL/ Twin | 70" x 90",2 P. Cases 20"x30" |
Pillow Cases | |
Cal-King/King Size | 20"x38" |
Queen Size | 20"x32" |
Standard Siz | 20"x30" |